What exact composition do you think goes in formulating the perfect equation for creating a ‘BRAND NAME’? The answer will blow your minds!
Market analysis experts have been brainstorming on this crucial question of how and what makes a company, ‘a brand’ and have come up with a very simple answer. The ladder to climb up to the designation of being a brand only takes good work and customer satisfaction.
“A satisfied customer’s testimonial is the biggest mode of promotion amplifier”
A brand name is something that has gone all pervasive for every sector. As skeptical consumers, we are always seeking branded merchandises, since a brand speaks for its credibility and high ranking standards that will suitably meet our expectations. When it comes to buying or renting a home, the brand awareness of building developers in Kolkata becomes even more imperative to assess their property value.
The supremacy of being a brand, especially in the real estate world, is that you are through the competition like a cakewalk. The arduous procedure of convincing your consumers and retaining them till the deal is cracked can be evaded with a powerful brand name. All that the customers look for is the clarity and assurance of knowing that their investment for the property is in safe hands and would be productive at any cost.
From a different perspective, this is also an inevitable fact that being a brand is not easy and certainly cannot be built in a day. It takes years of good and hard toil to create an established repute in the real estate world. With years of cementing a concrete image of fine repute along with consecutive successful projects like Orchard County, Orchard Residency and Orchard 126, Oswal Group has challenged the real estate millennials and emerged as one of the top-ranked, reputed builders in Kolkata today.
The immense brand value that it holds today of being a real-estate mogul, is a clear sign of success earned through all the years that have bygone. For Oswal Group, it is no more a challenge to step down in the market to fetch for customers. The brand name automatically attracts potential customers and serves them with more than what is expected! Being such a prominent and celebrated brand, it undoubtedly enjoys few essential perks.
Let’s magnify further into this discussion.
Establishing a hypothetical case study of two real estate developers, the indispensable truth of a brand’s monarchical power will be even clearer. A real-estate developing company, XYZ builders have been in the market for the last 15 years but have not yet achieved the celebrated brand name tag. As a result, stiff competition has become worse for them along with a declining number of customers.
On the other hand, let’s assess Oswal Group, which is officially counted among one of the ace Kolkata property developers in the region. The brand name that it has earned to achieve today with years of hard toil makes it flexible with profit gains even in a stiff competitive market along with a significant rising number of potential customers as well!
Thus, the situational conditions of two real estate companies differentiated on the margins of being a brand say it enough on the power of a brand name in the domains of a real-estate world.
The gravity of a brand name will always have the influx of potential customers and thereby the existential scenery of creating successful projects keeps on being painted on the canvas of the real estate company.
Both the statistical figures of profit and growth keeps on augmenting, signifying a bright and consisting picture of the real estate brand in the market in the present day as well as for the future ahead.
Real-estate investors are extremely radical persons and it is not easy to get the money out of their pockets easily unless the project is a highly profitable one or the real estate developer is a brand in itself. Both the conditions are pretty interlinked and symbiotic in nature.
For Oswal Group, real estate investors are encouraged in investing in apartments in Kolkata property since the power of a brand name works its charm magically here!
A branded real estate company does not have to sit with an aching head about the rising competition in the market and the curbing challenges of staying tight on the top rankings. The brand will ensure the optimal existence of the company with prospective projects and customers keep coming in, despite a competitive market lurking outside!
Thus, the massive importance and supremacy of a brand name in the real estate industry is quite lucidly elucidated. Keeping Oswal Group in constant reference, the validation of the discussion becomes even more solid and concreted.
If you wish to get more clarity on the power and benefits of a brand name, walk into our residential projects Orchard County and Orchard 126, and you would understand what exactly we are talking about!