Those who reside in residential apartments in Kolkata, as well as the flats in the suburbs, often fret about the lack of greenery. It is a fact that green patches are more or less receding away with the burgeoning growth in real estate.
However, the shortage of green patch might be remedied with a little bit of conscious effort on the part of the realtors as well as residents. It is a good thing that a good number of residential projects in Kolkata resort to making enough room for green patches and water bodies in the outdoor spaces or adjacent open spaces at different residential facilities.
It is a comprehensive and highly motivating trend that meets the need of residents.
Development not at the cost of greenery is perhaps the strong urge that keeps the modern-day realtors driving while working on a mega-budget construction project. Urban greening is a context that significantly creates ripples all over the globe, and the new generation of realtors in Kolkata and other metros have come to realize the significance of green spaces in and around residential complexes.
Attaining a green and sustainable future for you and your kids is no longer a far-fetched idea provided you take the green initiative. By planting enough trees in and around your residential complex, you not only enhance the curb appeal of the place but also ensure that you pave the way for a green as well as sustainable future. Energy conservation might be the other facet associated with the planting of a sufficient number of trees.
Green open spaces and parks coupled with soothing water bodies unmistakably add superior value to a particular residential property. What’s more, they do enhance the cause of community benefits. If your residential area is adorned with a lot of greenery, the residential complex indeed turns out to be a healthy place to live in for people irrespective of age and gender.
As you make up your mind to plant more and more trees in and around your residential complexes you start waging war against the general predicament of environmental pollution.
Urban life is characterized by one defining description which is dense housing. Greenery has its potential significance in urban living more than ever. To improve lives into a healthier one, adopting green initiatives is a must. Construction projects that are community-driven are the perfect solutions to embrace a healthy equilibrium in your life.
Now you come to the million-dollar question. What would turn out to be the surefire way to develop green spaces to perk up your life at the residential complexes? You will be required to do a few simple things to improve the looks of your compound.
You need to take excellent care of the portions which have got soil in them. Adding a certain quantity of manure as well as a compost pile will prove to be a perfect idea. It will make the soil fertile enough to plant trees.
You need to give particular attention to the grass. It is essential to see that the grass is pruned regularly to maintain the visual equilibrium. You need to make some sincere and severe efforts to plant a few saplings at regular intervals.
Make it a point to inspire your fellow residents and neighbors to do their bit concerning improving the green space of your residential complex. You can bet your physical, as well as mental health, depends a lot on it.
To make people raise their eyebrows in awe, you should make it a point that you plant trees that have an embedded appeal and that can yield some benefits. Some of the most attractive options for you are –Raintree or Albizia Saman, Gulmohar or DelonixRegia, Portia tree, Royal Poinciana, Ashoka tree, Cashew nut, Eucalyptus, Rose, etc. You can bet that these variations can offer a soul-warming visual treat to all and sundry.
Making your residential area more beautiful and appealing is your responsibility too. So, play your part in it. Invoke a little slice of the great Mother Nature inside your residential space and bring the very idea of sustainable living into your neighborhood.
If you intend to explore great ideas of green improvement or development of green spaces in and around residential properties you might want to take a close look at the wide range of residential complexes and urban properties developed by Oswal Group. The landscaped garden for the residential apartment owners at Orchard County are a treat to the sore eyes.